Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson

Guitar Lesson with Jason Carey

Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson

Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson, a classic Rock Guitar Anthem by Deep Purple, withstands the test of time. The song is immediately recognizable and is an approachable riff to play on the guitar. These are two major ingredients why Smoke on the Water is a must learn song for all guitarists. You can even learn it as early as day one of your new musical career!

Our recommendation is to try playing the song slowly at first and be patient with yourself. The introduction riff of Smoke on the Water is considered to be easy guitar but, as you see in the video above, we are going to start right away by incorporating the use of the fourth finger. Fourth finger and double stops can be a little tricky. But we won’t let that stop us. Good luck, practive slowly and don’t forget to breathe.

Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson, a history

During the recording of the iconic hard rock/heavy metal album Machine Head, Deep Purple set new standards for the genre. Ritchie Blackmore, Deep Purple’s guitarist, composed the riff that would top the charts while changing music history. The name of the song arose as the band saw the smoke rise over the crowd at a gig where a fan fired a flare gun into the ceiling! Frank Zappa was also playing that location, sharing the concert date.

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Happy Picking!